What is your story? Everyone has one. But everyone is not willing to tell it. There is no difference between me and you. I’ve attached a few titles as author, speaker, and blogger but there is nothing all that special about me. The only difference is my ability to stand firmly on who I am. Firm on my story.
But isn’t that embarrassing? Well sure, if you care. No lie, I care, but just a little. I do care about what people think and say about me, but I care way MORE about what I say and believe about myself. No one has to like me or my story. I love my story. I love what I say about me. I am my story.
What is your story? What happened to you along the way that changed you? Did it happen at home? Or did the issue come from the streets? Was it a rape that damaged how you see yourself? Was it a beat down that you didn’t deserve? How about being mistreated due to the color of your skin? Or maybe your issue is the simple fact that you have breasts and feelings? Is your paycheck short because you didn’t rub elbows with the right individuals? Was college not an option because no one told you about Sallie Mae? Or shoot your issue could be that you met Sallie and know her all too well. What is your story?
Is it that your kids have lost their minds? The kids are so disrespectful no matter what you do? Maybe its not the kids but the fact that you had them as a teenager. Maybe you were bullied too; yet, don’t have the words to help your child that is being bullied. You see the signs but don’t know how to help them because you never got help for yourself. Maybe your story is that you need help. You are drowning in this thing called life with no way out. What is your story?
As a blogger, its my goal to release the thoughts and ideas that invades the space in between my ears. My goal is to help everyone in my path to see the JOY they possess inside. I break down the varying perspectives that surrounds us in an effort to help us to get along with one another as well as understanding ourselves. I work hard to get us to go within and get to know ourselves. To get to know who we are at our core.
So I ask you again. What is your story? What is at the core of you that is affecting you? What is within you that is hindering your progress? You had a vision, a goal, or a dream but you aren’t following it. Why is that? Why did you put it on the back burner? Why are you putting you on a back burner? What is your story?
People often ask, “when do you have time to write?” I write any and everywhere. Currently, I’m writing while at a women’s conference as a vendor. The songstress is singing, “I give myself way. I give myself away. I give myself away for you to use me. Take my life as a living sacrifice.” That is what this is about. I serve a God that has put me here for a reason in the right season.
One thing I know all too well is that whatever your story is, you have to face it. You can no longer hide from it. You must face it head on. You have to conquer it. It doesn’t matter that it happened over 20 years ago or 2 years ago. My story isn’t your story. And yours isn’t mines. But we both are fighting something. You don’t have to go amongst the crowds and tell your story, but may you have to release it to ONE person. How about releasing it to you? How about retelling your story to you. But tell it right this time.
Yes, you were raped, but it wasn’t your fault. I don’t care what the people told you those years ago. I don’t care what outfit you had on or what club you were leaving. It’s NOT your fault sis. Stop telling yourself those lies.
Sir, you hung out with the wrong crowds when you were younger. You made some stupid decisions that you are still paying for. You think you are still that same boy. You can’t get past the mistake. Too many people know and they are still judging you as that same young man. Forget them. All of those things are in your past. You have changed. You have matured. Who cares if they see it or not, you can see it. So gone on and continue to turn that ship around. You are the captain and you are in control.
You got this. You are ok. Nothing is wrong with you. You will make it. You can change. It’s never too late. God is on your side. He wants you to succeed. You can do it. Just go for it. Whatever IT is. Stay in the fight. Take another step. And another step. Keep going. Don’t look back. Keep your eyes on the prize.
Thank you for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
Competition of 1
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