Just being honest. I don’t think you know when you are being used. Maybe you are naive and don’t think it’s possible. Why would He use me? Am I worthy of that it?
Listen, from my own experience, anyone can be used. It doesn’t matter how much education you have, you are actually perfect to be used. I’ve heard pastors say, “you can have more degrees than a thermostat”…you still used. Doesn’t matter how pretty or handsome you are…used. You can have a nice car, house on the hill, 2.5 kids and be used. You are the CEO, CFO, builder, owner, top dog, or whatever you call yourself and you will most certainly be used!
Why me, you ask? Well, why not you? You have everything it takes to be used. And to be quite honest, I’m glad He chose you. Because had He not chose you, there would be no me. I would’ve given up a long time ago.
You see, you really never know when you are being used. But I’m here to tell you that every time you utter positive words to a friend, you were being used. When you opened you mouth and your smile was so big, you were being used. You saw someone (a stranger) and you gave them a compliment…used.
You wrote a nice note out of the blue to a friend you hadn’t talked to in a long time…used. One day you decided to tell your co-worker how you were so proud of them for their accomplishments…used. You and your spouse are so busy these days but you took the time to leave a love note in their lunchbox for them to discover later…used. That little old lady at church you always wave at, you decide to go over and hug her and ask about her day and you take the time to listen. You two talked for a long time that day…I’m sure she loved how you were used.
I know this wasn’t what you were expecting but I had to peek your interest so you know just how special you are to someone today. It’s the little things that make the world for someone else. And most of the time, we never even realize it.
Just yesterday, I prayed on the way to the gym which is my usual routine. But on that day I had requests of the Lord. Instead of praising Him for all that He has done and the many thanks I can go for days speaking on; this time I had requests. The last couple of months have been hard for me mentally. It’s like I feel like I’ve been moving in slow motion even though the days are flying by. Felt like I was losing my momentum with my journey even though my feet were moving.
I couldn’t shake the feelings so I prayed for my drive back. The drive that had me up before the alarm clock. Ask my husband, I have a 3:50am alarm clock. I wanted my drive back that had me dropping promotional items in the mail and advertising like crazy daily. Here I am still sitting on this package to send to Oprah! I’m so serious y’all!!! This book will be on Oprah’s List. Don’t believe me, just watch!
I made it to the gym. The energy level was so intense for some reason but it didn’t hinder someone taking the time to tell me that she had been reading my blogs and that she wanted to buy my book. Then next thing I know this guy stopped me to say, “do you know I picked your book off my wife’s dresser and decided to read it? Opened it up thinking I’d just read one or two chapters but I ended up finishing it in one sitting.” Then another lady says, “oh it’s easy to do that because it reads like a movie! I just love the part when…”
All of them. Used! And all of them gave me LIFE yesterday. Thank you all even though you had no idea of the state I was in.
In hindsight, it started earlier this week. I got an email that stated she’d read my book twice and that it was everything to her. He is omniscient! He knew what I was in need of before I had the good sense to ask Him for help.
If you don’t get nothing else, know that you are being used. When positive affirmations come to your mind to share with those around you, don’t hold it in. They need to hear what you have to say. You know from your own experience how at the right time, a message of goodwill reached you. You know how it made you feel. Why not be intentional about sharing the Good News?
Why not be available, to be used?
Thanks for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
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