Nothing is too small! Hear me and hear me good. Pray about everything. There is nothing He can’t do. There is nothing He can’t provide. If I were you, I’d just take my chances and ask/pray about it anyhow.
From the smallest silliest of things like a good parking space to slightly bigger things like a raise to miraculous requests like beating cancer. No matter how big or small, trust that He can do it. Yes, I understand that just like you can get a “yes” answer that it’s also possible to get a “no” or “not right now.” But one thing is for sure, it costs nothing to ask!
Let me share my story. Here I am at the end of this week, my first week back in my office at work. I’ve been on a temporary assignment for the past 6 months. And oh my how the time flies when you are having fun. I had the opportunity to work with our Headquarters on a “special assignment.” And guess what?
I almost declined the offer. Yep, I was a split hair away from saying “no thank you.” You see, just like everyone else last year in the middle of this pandemic, I had no desire for any more changes. To have a career that wasn’t in jeopardy was an absolute blessing. So to me, I had no need to want a change nor did I want to have that experience at the time. So much on the outside of our homes was in complete disarray. At least allow me consistency at work, was my thoughts.
But before I rendered my decision, I prayed about it. How strange is that to pray about something you don’t want. Well, that is exactly what I did. I prayed and I had to pray fervently because time was limited in making the decision. And I told Him as such.
“Lord you know my heart and my desires. This isn’t what I want but God please don’t let me make a bad decision based off of complacency. I am settled and love my job. But still…if I should go, please tell me. You know I don’t mind change, I think it’s just our current environment. Staying is easy. Leaving is hard. Please let me know.”
“Oh and I don’t have a lot of time. I have to give my decision next week. Ok Amen.”
Like literally that is how my prayers went for a whole weekend. And by Monday, I had my answer. I would go. And I would give 200%. No matter what.
And I did just that and it turned out to be a wonderful experience y’all. That experience sparked something in me that I didn’t realize was even dull. I met some incredible people and I really operated in a manner that I’ve never really been fond of. I had to ask for help constantly to learn the assignment and this included asking questions after questions. There was no room for pride or embarrassment at my lack of knowledge. I just had to put myself out there and get the job done.
Here I am 6 months later with a level of confidence in myself and my abilities. It’s not that these things weren’t present before. But now, they seem to have illuminated. I feel revived and so appreciative. I’ve always loved my job and it just seems like the love expounded just a little bit more. #thankYouGod
Now I know this example may be a little on the major side (I.e. career changes). How about a super simple one. I can recall one day being late for work. I ran out the house but my car wouldn’t start. Well shoot, my keys weren’t in my purse (automatic start). I ran back in the house but didn’t know where to look because I don’t even take my keys out of my purse. So where could they be??? I had an early meeting with my leadership so I needed to get to work.
ARGH! My heart was racing and I didn’t know what to do. There was no place to look. I went to my bedroom and just stood there. I calmed myself down by taking some deep breaths and did the next best thing. I starting praying out loud.
“God please. I need to get to work and I have no clue where my keys are. Please show me where they are. Please Lord.” That was it.
And just like…I heard His voice. “Under bed.”
Wait what. Why would my keys be under the bed? As I approached the foot of my bed, my mind remembered sitting my purse on the end of the bed. Thinking…what if my purse fell over. I immediately got on my knees and felt around under my bed towards where I’d laid my purse the evening before. And WALLA! My keys were on the floor under my bed.
🗣THANK YOU GOD…as I ran to the front door.
Still don’t believe me? Here is one more example. Before I got married, I was flipping houses. Right after our wedding, I was getting ready to close on a house I was selling. Recall the market crash of 2008? Well I got married in 2009 so I wasn’t making the money I thought I’d make on the sale. And if you know anything about weddings, you know them to be expensive.
About 2 days before the closing, I got the HUD form that showed my closing fees. I was so broke and needed $4,189.36 to close on the house. I have plenty of credit cards, so no problem, right? Wrong! Couldn’t use a credit card for the payment. Only a check would be accepted. Wait what. Where am I going to get this money from??? I paid for my wedding so I was good and broke Yall!
I can recall exhausting my options and I began to cry. I was heading back to my bedroom and in the hallway, I fell to my knees and I cried out to the Lord. “Lord help PLEASE! I have no other options. I don’t have the money. Please. Help!”
After I got up off my knees, I remembered a credit card with my bank that I hadn’t used. I immediately called my bank. And I was raw and honest. “Ma’am I have to close on a home, I just got married and I just don’t have the money. Can you look at my credit card and let me know what I can do?”
Y’all…after I got off the phone, I did exactly what she said. I went to my bank and asked for a check to be written off of that credit card for the full amount available. And guess how much was available? $4,200! No lie!!! I had JUST enough to close on that house! 🗣GOD IS GOOD!!!
Don’t believe me. Try Him. Anytime. Day. Or night. Big things. And small. Important things. Simple ones. Major. Minor. Or miraculous.
Pray about E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G
Thanks for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
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