It’s that time again! Time to set Nee Year’s Resolutions!
What about you? Got one? Or two? Or several? What are your 2019 Resolutions my friend?
If social media doesn’t want to hear them, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t set them. I have several actually and I’m not ashamed of them. I may set 10 and not meet any one of them. Who cares? The only person that should really care is me.
Yes, it can be disappointing to set these goals at the beginning of the year and not meet them. Hell, I set a weight loss goal EVERY YEAR and if y’all know me or have been around me and not just my social media pictures, I’m still the same size, if not bigger, since having my daughter. Y’all my baby girl will be 6 years old in March. SMH.
I can’t blame it on her. I can’t blame it on my age. I can’t blame it on my family genetics either. Well I can, sort of. But with knowing all of this, there are still things I can do to combat these factors and still be successful losing weight. Yes, it may take more effort for me to lose weight than my husband but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! With a lot of hard work and dedication, anything is possible. This blog is going to be short and sweet! Hear me and hear me good! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! With a lot of hard work and dedication y’all!
I may not be crushing my weight loss goals but I’m crushing other goals! I’ve been blogging weekly for a year and a half! I may have missed 2 or 3 weeks in this whole time so guess what, over 70 weeks I succeeded. So why focus on those I missed? They are insignificant when I look at the overall statistics.
In 2018, I published my marriage memoir. My husband gave me permission to write it in September 2017. I started the very next month and it was released the following May. Check it out if you’ve never heard of it and if you haven’t gotten your copy, check it out. And if you got a copy…read that punk! Ok!
This year as one of the youngest managers in my organization, like I’m at the bottom of the list of managers type of young, I was selected to sit in the 2nd to the highest position in my area as a backfill. I am the minority. 95% of the managers are older white males and here I am young, black, and a female. That’s a huge deal when I look back on it.
My husband and I held our FIRST marriage retreat and it was a blessing to all of the participants to include him and I. And now we are at the early stages of planning the next one. Check out the flyer!
So don’t tell me you are a failure because you missed the mark on that ONE goal yet you’ve forgotten all of the other goals you crushed! Don’t tell me you can’t do something when you decided to take on that challenge at work and you survived it. Don’t tell me just because that one company or organization told you “no” that others haven’t welcomed you in.
Stop focusing on that ONE thing that didn’t work out for you. I’m preaching to myself here! Trust everything didn’t go in my favor in 2018 but that doesn’t mean my whole year or life was a waste! Listen. If 2019 is any indication of what 2018 was for me, the best has yet to come.
Change your perspective like NOW. You have been looking at that thing the wrong way for far too long. That one thing was such a small thing in comparison to all of the other events, situations, and outcomes you’ve experienced in your lifetime, not just in 2018.
You are the bomb! You are a success story ready to be told! You are a conqueror, a survivor. You are someone’s reason for holding on.
Walk into 2019 with your head held high!
“You are not a victim. You are a vessel.” ~Rev. Tellis Chapman
Thanks for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
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