Can I share something with you all? You can scream to the top of your lungs day in and day out, but if these people don’t want to wear masks, there ain’t nothing you can do about it. So be quiet already. I mean you can talk but ain’t nobody listening.
I like social media but I totally understand why some people can’t stomach it right now. Because half of the posts are articles being shared that folks haven’t read while the rests are public service announcements (PSAs) in bold letters criticizing those for doing what the fuck (don’t excuse my language) they want to do. Basically…that’s it.
Now that I have your attention, can I share the reality of what is going on for a second? Let’s talk through this and when I give you an example or ask a question, just promise to be honest with me. Well, I won’t know your response so it doesn’t hurt to be truthful for a moment.
Have you ever:
- Had unprotected sex?
- Texted while driving?
- Drove a vehicle tipsy or drunk?
- Tried drugs at a party (basically accepted drugs from a stranger)?
- Smoked weed with strangers?
- Ever had a one-night stand?
If you’ve answered yes to ANY of these questions…guess what? You are no different than these non-mask wearing folks you are criticizing. YOU know the risks of all of these reckless behaviors yet YOU were a willing participant and probably still engaging in such behaviors.
Don’t roll your eyes at me! I’m just trying to calm the waters for a minute because too often we look at folks crazy for not adhering to rules, recommendations, etc YET we can be guilty of the same thing just with a different title. But if you ponder on those examples for a second, they are all the same.
Unprotected sex can leave you with a deadly disease (HIV/AIDS). Or a list of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). Or an unexpected pregnancy. Yet…when that joker explained that he didn’t like condoms and that he was clean, many of us ignored all of those commercials, government recommendations and warnings from our parents.
There are billboards around town warning us of texting while driving. We’ve heard the horror stories of accidents caused by this yet our eyes are still diverted towards our laps…even though jail time is a possible punishment if an accident happens and someone is seriously injured or killed (same as driving under the influence). I notice distracted drivers when I’m driving and I’m sure you’ve noticed the same. But we don’t say anything because we all are doing it despite the warnings.
My point is this: WE ALL weigh our risks and make decisions on rather or not we will follow recommendations and guidelines. We do it daily. And often times we decide to do things in contrast to said guidance or rule. Is the pandemic different and deserves more respect? Yes it is but we are the same! It’s a disease that is easier transmitted to the next person than HIV but both diseases require us to put something on (mask or condom) to protect the next person. So that makes it the same. However, I totally acknowledge that the coronavirus can be transmitted unconsciously through strangers. And can I add for the record that I wear my masks…before you shoot the messenger.
So that is why we get so upset when we see people walking around in stores and restaurants without masks on. We are upset because we don’t have control of the situation. With sex, you decide whom you have sex with along with rather you require a condom or not. With coronavirus, it’s every man or woman for themselves. We are pissed because we have no control over the situation that could ultimately affect our chances of being exposed to the disease.
So can we have a truce now? It’s not about the mask but about the lack of control we have over the situation. We are all susceptible to catching this disease and it’s scary. I get that. But can we also agree that the antagonistic messages aren’t helpful? Criticizing people for their decisions never changes people. And judging their love for their children for not having on masks while in public is a low blow. As texting and driving can harm all passengers to include their kids as well as yours.
FEAR of this disease is the true enemy here. How about addressing masks or the lack thereof in terms of how it makes you fell, providing the recommendations, etc. Maybe the correct message in bold letters will allow someone who has decided against wearing marks to be open to dialogue. Maybe they can explain their position and you share yours. This is when change happens…when mature conversations are had and feedback is received. Imagine if we all did this instead of sending criticizing messages daily.
Thanks for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
Competition of 1
That is a great way of explaining this. I enjoyed this article.
Thank you ma’am! I’m blessed to see things and I just like to share. So glad it was relevant