What is your Facebook personality? Didn’t think you had one? Well let’s discuss the personalities that are revealed to us. Maybe that will lead you to discovering what yours may be.
Just the same as with our overall character, often times, we don’t realize the person we display to others on social media platforms. But it’s always easy to see things in other people that we miss noticing about ourselves.
For myself, I don’t know about anyone else, I’m often approached about something I’ve posted. People normally say that enjoy my posts, my posts make them laugh, or they love to see my family or to hear about my kids shenanigans. So, I can deduce that my Facebook personality is witty and transparent.
This amazes me because I literally wrote one of the most transparent books in today’s society. Most people who read my book, usually applaud me for the courage or they are secretly damning me for it. (Shameless plug: www.nakiaredmon.com for a copy or amazon). Until recently, I’m just now to the point that I strongly know that about myself. I now describe myself as transparent.
And in hindsight, I guess I’ve always been witty.
Here are just a few characteristics or personality traits I’ve noticed on social media:
- Content Sharer: these are people that only share videos they’ve watched or quotes from others. Maybe they don’t have much to share so they allow the sayings of others to speak for them. I wonder how many of them are overall quiet, reserved, and people that like to stay to themselves.
- Look At Me (Braggers/Attention seekers): This group loves to post about their purchases, accomplishments, and endless selfies of them on dates in expensive restaurants with their oh so lovable spouse or friends. Or those seeking attention by any means necessary (I’m at the doctor, at the doctor again…ER here I come). Now don’t put yourself in this category if you occasionally post these things. The folks I’m talking about ONLY post like this and if truth be told, they are on a verge of a divorce, half of the purchases aren’t theirs and the visit was for a routine check up. How do I know this? I’ve heard it all and some I’ve seen for myself.
- Bible thumpers: People who constantly post bible verses AND critical posts to condemn those they believe aren’t living right. They tickle me because they are extremely non-compassionate and suffer from amnesia. I’m being fictitious when I say this but how can God deal with my mess for all these years and when I finally get it right, how does that give me the right to start pointing fingers?? Anyhoo, you know who these people are. Let’s carry on. Up next…
- Political non-activist: These are the folks that only post political rhetoric in an attempt to make a point about their chosen candidate. Most of the time the memes or videos are race baiting, accusatory, and/or one-sided. One thing I’ve deduced about this group is that many of them really don’t know politics. Sometimes they don’t really know why they choose one party over another. Usually, it’s just ONE policy that drives the decision. Don’t believe me, respectfully ask their opinion. Remember those that hated Obama Care but praised Affordable Care Act. And guys here are two new curse words: abortions and guns. So many examples in these areas that are causing a concerning divide in this county we say we love. I love people but not those people. I can go on and on but I won’t…
- Secret Stalkers:
LOL if this is you. These are the folks that don’t comment on nothing but see EVERY THING! They don’t want anyone to know that they are on social media but I bet they know what you’ve been doing. They will often bring up something you’ve posted. I think they believe they aren’t like the rest of the social media folks because they don’t say anything. Like they have a league of their own or something. LOL don’t say anything…you still a stalker. JK. A little bit kidding.
And then there is the rest of us. Those that enjoy watching families evolve: marriages and babies being born, kids progressing in school each year and graduations, retirements and life after work, etc. We like keeping up with our school classmates and distant family because without this platform this wouldn’t be possible.
We all realize that social media can be a powerful tool. Since I’m a transparent person, I love to share the happenings going on with my family. When they tickle me, I gotta share the laughs. I love encouraging others especially through our marriage group, The Real House of Redmon. I just overall enjoy it!
Yes, it can be dangerous and addicting if you aren’t careful about your usage and who you are communicating with. But it can be a great place. Just know this, you have a social media or Facebook (for those only on FB) personality. Maybe it doesn’t fit neatly in one of those categories. Maybe it’s a complete mixture of them all. Either way, from what you do, an opinion about you is formed from it. As you have done the same.
Thanks for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
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