Let’s not get it twisted. You need me!
It amazes me how men and many women fail to give us, women, credit for our contributions. I think I know why.
You know how bad behavior starts at home? For instance, school house issues are often home issues that have gone unresolved. Well let’s flip that and turn it around to use that same logic from how women are regarded at work to how wives are seen at home.
So let’s take this to your front door. If you are like me, you have two jobs: one at work and another one at home. When I come home, I don’t sit down. I immediately work to get food on the table, direct bath traffic, clothes for the next day, etc. Usually I’m settled after 9:00 and occasionally much later.
But I’m sure, like many men, that movement (while they may be chillin with the remote) means absolutely nothing. I can recall one time when I decided to stay home instead of running an errand with him and my husband made a comment like ‘you don’t need to be sitting around here doing nothing.’ By time my head finished spinning on it’s axis, I had to calm myself. I was so pissed that I was crying.
Once I got calm, I gave him a whole piece of my mind. Reminded him of whom he married. “I work hard! Not sure what you think I do but I work at work and I work at home. You didn’t marry a lazy woman. If I decide to sit here and do nothing, that’s just what I will do.”
The work place has always downgraded the skills of women. Hence why they (men) are blind to the things we often singlehandedly master in our homes. Either they view us as unsubstantial or only good for being the nurturer under the roof.
Not a man in this universe got here without going through the womb of a woman! Don’t ever underestimate my abilities. If it’s not physical strength, trust my mental capacity can hang with you! I may drop from exhaustion before you do but if you just glance over your shoulder, I guarantee you will see me not too far behind.
You need my creative ideas, my unwavering backbone, my mama bear mentality when the going gets tough, my stick-to-it-tiveness, my drive to make it to the top, my pizazz, and my sassiness, my grace and my beautiful smile, my hips and my BEEEEEEP.
You see there would not be no you, without me! You may be the head but I’m the neck! You can’t move unless I allow it to be so. Instead of seeing me as less then, open your eyes, and really see me. Instead of looking at me as if I’m only good for a meal or a ‘meal’, see me for who I am and who I can be for you and with you. I can be the wife of your dreams if you’d just open your eyes.
Thank you for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
Nakia I love this !!! Thanks boo😘