You were born with a gift that is supposed to bring order to the earth. Dr. Myles Munroe continued to teach that we were born to solve a problem. He said God gave us all a purpose in our generation to solve. Stop asking why we are in 2017 with a race war on the rise. Want to know why Charlotteville, Virginia is possible in an era with computers and phones that can talk and almost walk for you? Here is the reason. Too many of us are NOT doing our part. So instead of asking ‘how can we be at this point,’ ‘why is this still going on,’ or ‘slavery was years ago, so what is the problem.’ Well yes, slavery is over but the mentality still exists.
The mentality of not liking someone you don’t know. How ignorant is that? (that’s a better question). How can you HATE something you know nothing about? How can you HATE someone for liking themselves (she think she all that). How can you HATE someone for having something you don’t have? Did they get it to make you upset? How can you HATE someone for finishing college? Did that person hinder you from going??? How can you HATE someone for following their dreams? Their dream isn’t tied to yours. Romans 12:6 says God gives us ALL gifts. That should tell you that you too have a gift, so why worry about someone else’s? How can you HATE someone from being talented at something you don’t take time to practice? How can you HATE someone from making an ‘A’ in school, yet you won’t study? I can go on and on about this thing. But better yet, why not you confess the hate that you harbor and pose in the same manner. Ask yourself that every day until you answer the question 'why.'
Instead of protesting with signs of Black Lives Matter, simply write on a sign “WHY.” On a banner write “Why do you hate me?” Make them jokers have to think about it. And don’t open your mouths, just hold the signs. And if you think I’m only talking to the white supremacy supporters, you got it all wrong. I’m talking to everyone not seeking their God’s given purpose in life. Well how does Charlotteville have to do with following purpose? Want to hear it? Here it go. Dr. Martin Luther King was purposed to march and fight for civil rights in his generation. But guess what? What he did, fulfilled a purpose for that generation. But since then, many of you were called to do similar things but instead, you didn’t march out. There is more to simply taking a video of violence and complaining on Facebook. The only thing you are doing is creating another place to complain about things and do nothing about them.
Those that marched with Dr. King were on one accord with him fighting for the same injustices. God will send a ‘king’ and followers. What they did back then was to pave a great road for us. But that doesn’t mean that journey was to stop back then. Right now we have been seeing for a long time an uprising of black men being killed by white officers. Forget what the statistics say and I realize there are lots of evidence we didn’t see, but from the video alone, it’s often very clear that the trained officer COULD have made another decision. Even if they were in the wrong, could not another decision have been made? What happened to shooting them in the leg? No, this doesn’t cover all situations out there but this is my point. Injustices didn’t stop. Racism didn’t stop. But what did stop is our mentality of caring for one another.
So you may be asking, so what am I (Nakia) doing about this? Well actually, I’m working on the mentality part of all of this right now with this blog. You see, we often get into ruts in our personal lives and we stop caring about the society as a whole. We selfishly sit around and complain constantly and gain this ‘you owe me’ mentality. I’m here to ask the hard questions. I’m here to help you see yourself as well as see your mess. You see with these blogs, I’m aiming and shooting folks all day and not missing many targets. I upset some. Good. You need to be upset. Don’t vote for the POTUS and then turn your tv off! Don’t talk about all that Obama did or didn’t do and now be quiet.
To bring this home, we need to stop talking about folks trying to do something in their lives and we are doing nothing. You and I are the reason we are in the predicament. We are not doing our parts! Yes, this is a mean blog. Tune out when you get ready but you are who I’m talking to if you are sitting around idly NOT doing your part. Stop ignoring the voices in your head: seek that promotion or job, it’s never too late to go back to school, follow your dreams, or write that book. Or better yet, what you ought to do may not be towards self; stand up for those being bullied instead of watching and recording, give that helping hand, or whatever it is. It costs nothing to give a smile. Want to change some of these negative stereotypes? Stop being the stereotype!
Whatever God has told you to do, gifted you to do…if you are not doing it, YOU are the reason the necessary changes haven't come to fruition. Baby, if protesting is in your blood and you find yourself always fighting for the underdog, we will continue to have race issues in America until you MOVE your feet! The land of the great or on our way to be great again, won't be great until you step out on faith! YOU are the reason that playground hasn’t been built. YOU are the reason downtown looks a mess, homeless not getting feed, kids not having afterschool programs, babies dying prematurely, cancer hasn't been cured…yep YOU. And no, I’m not leaving myself out. Took me this long to get back to God’s business and now I’m marching out and I’m taking you all with me. This is just a harsh reminder that you have something you should be doing too. What is it? What are you waiting on? Failure? Who cares if you fail? God has invested in you. He is depending on you to succeed and most importantly, so are we. We need you to turn this thing around. What do you say? Are you in? Or will you continue to stand by and watch our demise?
Thank you for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
I agree with most of this. Slavery is still a big issue all around the world. Huge rings that force many young girls into prostitution as well as other things. I don’t agree with some the police shootings either weather it’s white on black white on white etc. I think there needs to be some more in depth training officers need to take. I have never been in the situation where I had to pull a loaded weapon on someone and know when to shoot and when not to. I do agree that some of the shootings have been unjustified while others leave me questioning. Those bad officers have given the good ones a bad rap!!
We live in a world that has mostly turned their back to God and we sit and ask why are things the way they are. Because God said it would come to pass. 2 Timothy 3:2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, this is where the world is today. People are to caught up in there personal space. To scared to get out and make a difference and allow their voice to be heard or actions seen. There is a huge problem in the Christian world with this today too.
This isn’t about black, Hispanic, Asian, or Caucasian persuasion, this is about good and evil. Evil has infiltrated our governing body our media and our lives. The day we turn our face to God and repent is the day the racism hate and fear goes away. What I’m saying doesn’t make more right or wrong than the next person but this is my personal belief. Not everyone will agree with it but I do my best to bring truth to the topic. Thank you for your blogs!!! They do in my belief make people stop and think about things and you from the ones I’ve read so far are good topics that people don’t want to address in their personal lives!!
Thank you so much Josh! I appreciate your insight. With slavery, you are very correct but I was referring to how blacks are often told to get over it because has been over with.
Yes yes, this is a sin issue. In order to have good, we have bad. No way around that but I believe we have too much bad right now if the media is a good indication of the world. Which I know isn’t the case but it surely doesn’t help when you see things like this going on.
Thanks for your comments. My sole purpose to get us to see ourselves. Too often I see issues arise that could’ve been prevented had we took the time to see how we contributed to it. Too often we condemn people for making mistakes yet want grace for our mistakes.
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