I’m me! And that’s all I’ll be. Unequivocally me. Unapologetically me. There ain’t one thing wrong with being me either.
I was sculptured into who I am today. This little girl from Mississippi. Quite an introvert actually but I’m sure most wouldn’t agree. I can confidently speak in front of a crowd as public speaking is one of my most favorite things to do.
I’d love to travel the world and speak to diverse audiences. I’d love to get a group of married women together to talk about our husbands. Wine would be involved and we’d laugh and share and learn how all these jokers are the same! Learn how even the Vietnamese man leaves his underwear on the floor. Hahahahaaa
I’m a nerd at heart but the way my life is set up, I don’t get to be the one I think I am. I love feeling dressed up with makeup and cute shoes even though getting ready for the day is my most dreaded hour. I wish I could snap my fingers and be ready. Quietly waiting for one of you to invent that app.
I’m the Queen of getting of shit. (Sorry, no other word qualified to express my point like that one). Recently, I heard David Goggins say that he has a way of turning things around in his head to make him alright with any situation. Wow, so I’m not by myself. I’ve devised a way of dealing with the world around me and it works.
Example. Reality: You step on my foot. Me: Oh no, you didn’t mean to do that. You didn’t see my foot. Hell my foot was in your way. My bad.
Hahahahahaaa as simple as that is, I bet I won’t waste time upset about you stepping on my foot though. I won’t be holding a grudge because I just knew you saw my foot and you did that on purpose. It would be out of my mind because it’s not worth my time and energy. And that’s how I treat many things.
The old adage says, “DONT sweat the small things and it’s all small things.
Do you realize we are gifted in making things bigger than what they are? I mean we are so talented in doing that too. The Mozart of building mountains out of molehills. This is a molehill…
Get my point? So to better explain, I’m the Queen of perspectives! I process situations, ideals, assumptions, conclusions, etc from different perspectives in order to understand the varying sides to a story. I try to make sense of the world around me.
I try to make sense of the things that directly affect me. One thing I do know is that I’m not for everyone. And I’m ok with that. No, it’s not that I’ve done anything to people. I just do me and that makes people uncomfortable sometimes. Yes, I blog and love to run my mouth but off stage, I’m really quiet. And what people don’t understand, they make up.
And what people think they know about others, they still make up their own versions of them even if they don’t know them at all. Prime examples are how we all know so much about celebrities and their personal lives but truth be told, we know NOTHING about them and who they really are. We only know the actors they portray, the pictures we see, and 60 second videos on social media.
One thing I’ve always been knowledgeable of is who I am, what I stand for, and the things I enjoy and of course the things I despise. I’ve always been different and I had to accept that. If someone has a problem with me, that’s their problem, not mines.
How can I make such a bold claim? Well I can because I stay to myself. At work, I work and spend most of my time in my office. When I’m off, I’m with my family. If someone has an issue with me, chances are great they don’t really know me or have many interactions with me. They hate from a distance.
So why should I be concerned with this person that I did nothing to? Well they don’t like me…who cares. They don’t want to be my friend…than I don’t need them. They will talk about me…well let them talk.
My message for you is simple…keep life simple people! Stop worrying about things outside of your control. If it were yours, you’d have it! You are not dead…you are alive so LIVE. If someone doesn’t like you, replace those thoughts with ALL the other folks that do.
ONE person or several people having an issue with you is such a small percentage. Listen….so what. The folks at work don’t like working with you. How many is that? 5. How many others are in that company? 100. So you mean to tell me that 5% of Folks in that whole company don’t like you and now you have to take Xanax to deal with life? Huh! How many people do you know in the whole town? Maybe 500….so now you have 1% enemies. Do you see how insignificant those 5 people are???
So many of us are still holding on to high-school drama. That one crew of 3 girls mistreated you and it took you years later and college miles away from them to get over it. And guess what. Many of us are living with that same drama today as adults. Instead of high-school, the place is called a corporation.
WHY! Why do we give people so much power? Insignificant people at that! But not anymore. Today decide you will take back your life. Decide to combat all the negative thoughts that come to your head. Thoughts that remind you of the mean thing they said. Thoughts of the names people have called you. Thoughts of believing those people are even thinking about you at all. Listen…they may not even be thinking about you. They probably hadn’t said a word. It’s a good chance, you are making this shit up!!!!
Even if it is true. So what? They look at you and think…who does she think she is? Hell I’m me. I am Dr. Nakia Elaine Redmon. I’ve earned those titles! And many more. I am a Jesus lover. Yep, and I cursed. I am a wife, mother, sister, family member, supervisor, life student, server, teacher, leader, speaker, author, blogger, and life changer.
Have you heard? I’m also a fighter! I fight in prayer and spirituality. Glad to be me. Happy as me. If someone says something different about me, I’m that too…to them. And it’s not my job to change what they think.
I’m me. Be you!
Thanks for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
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