Here I am on a couples vacation about an hour away from Cancun, Mexico on a private resort in Riviera Maya, Mexico. Beautiful resort! I mean absolutely stunning. Our husbands planned this get away for us and I must say they’ve done an amazing job!
Well Day 1 they planned a spa treatment for us that was suppose to last about 2.5 hrs or so and ended up at almost 5 hrs. Well what do you think happened? Well we are women and we love to talk. Lol. So after the massages and facials were done, we were left with hot tea in a relaxation room. There is where it all went down.
We didn’t have what you may assume is normal girls chatter. We began to release all kinds of things into the atmosphere. We spoke highly of our husbands of course but that wasn’t it. We started to speak of our blessings and how incredibly blessed we are. One of us does daily affirmations and she asked if we did them. Or more so how do we connect with Him. And from there, we had an experience like none other.
We began to talk of some of our harsh experiences and how we used His power to overcome them. Through prayer, well not just prayer but demanding and decreeing and casting out of demons that have entered our homes, our husbands, and even our children. Especially those that clock in with us at work on a daily. YES, we have that power!
In the Bible, it speaks of Jesus giving the 12 disciples power to cast out demons/uncleanliness and to heal the sick. He directed them to go out into the city and do these things in His name. Later He also directed them to go out and make disciples of ALL the nations (that’s us). Well, I’m backing up, one day Peter and John were out in the city and a father brought his demon possessed son to the disciples and they failed. Jesus was upset and called them faithless!
How faithful are you? Well for me, I’m currently in a season of casting out some things. Well actually I believe I’m on the verge of my breakthrough. I can see it around the corner. Trust this journey isn’t easy as it started over 6 months ago. Note we can have several things going on in our lives at once. We plant at different times and so our harvest comes at others. For me, I had a a couple distinct situations to arrise at once in the fall of last year. I mean stressful, crying out situations that at times I had to be quiet so the demon didn’t sense my emotions on the inside, others where I had to curse their (demons) behinds out, and others I just had to scream JESUS! I know I have power! I know how to get demons off of me! But I’m still human so there are times I feel extremely weak and defeated and have to lay on Him. Begging and pleading for Him to make the pain go away.
Well while us girls relaxed and shared the goodness of Jesus and our overcoming situations, I shared how I know we have been given certain powers if we only believe. I also shared with them how “easy” it is for me to step out on His power towards reconciliation even when the enemy is still upon me. You see people are human too and so they get weak and often preyed on. The enemy can use us all! The key is having that relationship with God and His son to be able to “see” things others miss. Do you realize how greater we can be once we recognize the tricks of the enemy as soon as he plays his hand??? And then knowing what card to play next automatically. One thing I work on often is recognizing the enemy around me but at the same time loving on His people! Yes love on them. You see once I remember who I’m really dealing with, it makes the issue a little more bearable as its then that I switch up my battle strategy. I don’t fight in the human realm but in the spiritual one. And I’m here to tell you, battles are fought better this way. I can sleep at night while going through! I can walk with my head high even though the enemy is on my heels. I can smile, I can have fun, I can think…I can worship, I can praise Him…I can go on living the abundant life regardless of the attacks. I’m sure many of you think I’m living the good life with no issues…well I am living a good life but it’s not because I battle not, it’s because I have a tag team partner that will never leave my side!!!
Well how is that so…how is it easy? Life isn’t easy, but it’s fair. People can be mean and hurtful but I can handle them better only when I remember Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” It’s then and only then that I began to fight the right way and able to continue to live…in the mist of it all.
Thank you for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
Beautifully said and I certainly receive the message
Awww thank you love!
You have touched my spirit In a way that only my God understands may God continue to use you to bless others with your words. I’m so proud of you!!!
Bless you! Thank you so much. I’m just honored to be a vessel.
Praise God, I receive! Thank you for sharing, I’m so happy you all were able to share and sharpen each other (iron sharpens iron) ! In an age where people will divorce based on a grocery store disagreement, it is refreshing to see young, saved couples willing to do the hard work! Thank you for your transparency and helping us to overcome by the power of your testimony! # married lives matter # kidfreevacay
Yeeessss ma’am. Iron sharpens iron! And yes ma’am. It was a deep and much needed discussion the entire day. Hands down…we were transparent and all felt safe to share their deepest thoughts and feelings. Tears were exchanged and warm embraces. Thanking God for a good group of friends. And yes…married lives do matter!!