It’s a rat race to the top. I must do what I have to do in order to get the next promotion. I must go the extra mile to be successful. Even if that means stepping on you to get there. You might as well move out of my way now. It’s by any means necessary.
A. Lie.
I work hard. I do my best. I give 200% most days at work because I keep mission etched at the front of my brain. I love what I do and so I do it well. However, that next promotion is of no worry to me because when it’s time for me to have it, I’ll have it. That’s just how great my Father is.
If it is for me, it’s mine. No one can take it away. Step over me all you want. Well try to if you dare. If it’s mine, it belongs to me. You can’t have it if you tried to steal it. As long as I’m doing what I’m suppose to do, your efforts are a waste of time sir.
I’ve experienced this before at work where I was the most qualified in the building. I, nor anyone else, can speak for outside competition. But for inside competition, there was none. I know I had been working hard in my position as well as working up. Let me say this, if you halfway work on your job, stop expecting increase. You don’t deserve the next level, if you can’t fully satisfy what’s required at your current level.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve occupied a seat. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in the office or who has come in and gone out. If you haven’t grown in your knowledge and abilities and actually do those things at a higher level, fall back because chances are great that you aren’t earning your current check. Folks tickle me working 30% of their day and expect to be promoted.
Whenever I think I’m next in line it’s because I’ve been busting my tail for that spot in line. So when it became open, I wasn’t understanding the rumors that said leadership was looking to place someone unqualified (I knew this to be true) in it.
Ignorantly I could’ve claimed it was a racial decision but I knew that wasn’t the truth. Truth is, that person was simply their friend. We all know how that goes.
Someone taught me years ago that every situation doesn’t constant a battle. We must all know when to fight and when to stand down. Had that decision been made, this would’ve been my time to wage war because I knew all that I’d put in and I knew my qualifications against those of that friend. Figure up another way to take care of your friend. This was not the time to step over me.
But guess what. I didn’t have to fight. I simply continued to work hard and prayed on the side. I didn’t walk around rolling my eyes and I definitely didn’t let it affect my work. I continued to smile and never let on that I was aware of what was transpiring in the background. I kept quiet and I got wise.
Allowed God to work His actions. And if His actions spelled out “not now,” I was willing to accept that. What God has for you…it’s yours. Stop fighting over positions you didn’t get. If you didn’t get it, it wasn’t yours to get. God won’t let anyone steal anything from you that He has ordained.
So don’t look stupid by fighting or hating on the person that was selected. People kill me getting mad at the selectee. Really. Like they weren’t suppose to apply? They didn’t choose themselves! Had that leader choose that friend, I would’ve worked hard for that friend. And I would’ve known, “not now” was His answer.
To this day, I still believe this and believe my maturity in this has helped me reach the levels I have been able to obtain. Some may look at me as being too young to occupy the seat. To them, I’m not sure how their opinion matters and I don’t focus on them. Their little mind thinking won’t stop me from getting what He has for me. Nor will I shamelessly walk into it.
Do you realize there are many people who will turn down their blessings out of fear of what people will say or how people will treat them? Y’all can miss me. No way I will allow jealous to stop my footsteps! And neither should you!
Listen…to those working hard and reaching new levels, continue to be awesome and never look back. If it’s yours, you will have it. Never let those that think they are in competition with you, shame you off your post. Don’t compete. Just do you.
Thanks for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
Who do I need to fight at the job? Lol
Let me write out a list. Lol no one babe