Shakira has a song called ‘Try Everything.’ Here are a few lyrics: “I messed up tonight. I lost another fight. I still mess up but I’ll start again. I keep falling down. I keep hitting the ground. I always get up now to see what’s next.”
That song is one of the theme songs within the movie ‘Zootopia’ so if you don’t have small kids, you probably haven’t heard of it. It amazes me the messages within kid movies, how innocent they are, how uplifting, and how positive. Adult movies, especially the ones full of violence or sexual scenes, don’t evoke such messages. No wonder some of us are so mean, cruel, and lack positive vibes. Am I suggesting adult movies should be banned? Not at all, but I am boldly stating that we have to purposely instill positive images and messages to keep a balanced outlook. And guess what? The more positive things you expose yourself to, the more good you begin to see around you, the more you begin to exemplify a better you. You will begin to dream more as well.
Dreaming isn’t just done at night, you know. I mean dreaming about that thing you want to do, that thing that fascinates you, yep the thing that just crossed your mind while reading this, that thing! We all have them. But the issue is being too afraid to chase it, being too afraid to fail, being afraid of what people will say as they stand idly by watching. Afraid of making mistakes! Go ahead and lie to yourself that that isn’t you because you don’t care what people say and you too grown to be afraid. As you continue that lie, your feet won’t move. But once you own up to it, confess to yourself what is holding you back, identify those you know that are standing by waiting for you to fall…then and only then will you start the process of standing up for your dream.
Don’t just stand up for that dream, grab that punk by its neck! And hold on tight! While you have it, figure out what you need to do to make that dream into a reality. Google…get off of social media for a moment and search! You have been on social media long enough watching other folks fulfill their dreams wishing it were you. And guess what some of us do, we watch other folks do stuff and think to ourselves “that looks fun. It must have been easy. I like that too. I can do that. I know, I will do that instead. If they can do it, I can do it.” Now what is wrong here? I’ll tell you. You just assumed they didn’t struggle with that thing. How silly! They just showed you the end results. You weren’t there when they started that journey nor do you know how long it took them to fulfill it. You simply saw a picture, read their testimony and decided it must be easy because you think you know them and for them to do it, you can do it. And mistakenly you pick up someone else’s dream.
So what do you think will happen after you pick up someone else’s dream? I’m listening. What happens? I’ll let you answer that but I’m here to remind you that your dream, that thing you are good at, that thing that you love to do, that thing that brings you great joy…remains a dream within in. And for many of us, we grow old wishing we would’ve at least tried to fulfill it. And sadly too many of us die with those dreams.
The song continues…”I won’t give up, no I won’t give in. Till I reach the end and then I’ll start again. Though I’m on the lead, I want to try everything. I wanna try everything even though I fail.” How can we encourage our kids to follow their dreams yet we are too afraid to follow ours? We are too afraid to fail! Where is their example mom? Dad, where is their example? Don’t just speak it. Be their example! Don’t be afraid to make those new mistakes!
Now that you have homework to do, I’ll leave you with a couple of quotes:
“Your dream was given to you. If someone else can’t see it for you, that’s fine, it was given to you and not them. It’s your dream. Hold it. Nourish it. Cultivate it!” ~Les Brown
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” ~Walt Disney
“I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ~Thomas Edison
“Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure.” ~Jim Rohn
Thanks for your attention. Remember you are your competition.
Love you
Signed your husband
Love you more (learning how to use this thing day by day)
Absolutely LOVE THIS!! Great job!! I needed to hear this and I’m sure someone else did too😘😉
Thank you! Means a lot.
Absolutely LOVE THIS!! Great job!! I needed to hear this and I’m sure someone else did too
I needed this. Thanks for the motivation!
Great read! My 5 year old loves this song! I am sure she doesn’t know how profound the lyrics are but every time she/we sing it, I feel like I can accomplish anything!
Wonderful! But just think, we only get to hear such lyrics through our small kids. So many can be uplifted by such songs! But of course my kids sing them as well but it’s always been my prayer that something on their spirit hears and understands those words.
You’re right, I’ve never heard the song, the reading was good and a great lesson. You did good
Thank you mama Folks!
Love it!
Thank you!