Some people would rather ‘act’ than ‘be.’ Would rather be broke just to look like money. Would rather smile a toothy grin while crumbling on the inside. Go to work daily just to sit. And of course, far too many of us go to great lengths to get married and well…you know.
Too often not really knowing what it takes to truly be married, we put on a front with the outside world while living a different life behind closed doors. And why? Because of that ideal image we somehow formed in our minds of who we are or rather who we should be. Who we present to the world has become so far important than our own sanity. But WHHHYYY?!?!
Honestly I don’t know the answer. I constantly have to fight off who I am with whom society wants me to be. It’s funny how society places expectations onto others and we fall for it every time. Lol. I mean it’s funny. Society says we have to be skinny so no matter what the doctors says, we start taking pills that could be dangerous, have surgeries with licenses AND unlicensed professionals, and exercise until we are blue in the face! All because someone has defined beauty for us.
Yes we should watch what we put in our mouths and we should make every effort to exercise regularly. But being healthy has nothing to do with butt shots and double DDs! It’s your body, do as you shall but there is a difference from one enhancement to multiple surgeries which ultimately reveal possible self-esteem issues. This can be dangerous.
This here world has also pushed us into a corner in our own homes. I won’t even touch the surface on how we overly push our poor kids to the point of exhaustion with every sport, all the advanced teachings, and such to keep them at the top of their peers. Oh the money we pump into them to be sure they are glamours and outfitted in the latest fashion. Nope…I’ll leave that alone.
But oh how society has shifted our view on being married. How dare you have a traditional fairytale marriage where you two love one another for who you are and not what they can do for you. No, un un, you have to marry the one who will make sure all of the above is accomplished. They must be on the path of money because you have to have this big ole house you see and drive nice cars.
Your wife must be beautiful at all times. And your husband better be a nicely dressed white collar provider. You both have to have more degrees than a thermostat. Everyone has to envy you and your family. So no matter what, you have to put on a face to uphold the persona that you are perfect.
But I must ask, when did impressing people become our soul purpose for living? When did we stop caring about our true happiness versus fake house-playing? Why is it unpopular to just be ourselves?
I’m sorry but I can’t do this. I refuse to play along. Go ahead and Judge me. But I’d rather be on a island with just me and my family if it means we are with an abundance of joy. Life can be so simple and sweet if we only learned how to enjoy it without the attachments.
Live. Love. Have joy. Be you. Repeat.
Thanks for listening. Remember you are your own competition.
Trully an Amazing Blog. I L.O.V.E.D it. #realtalk #blogger #talent #myclassmatekeepingitreal
Awe thanks so much Mimi!