No one wants your man. Yeah right. You can believe that foolishness if you want to. Remain in the dark while he is being led away.
We are a trip at times. After failing miserably with the bad boys and getting our hearts broken over and over again. many women get their minds right and go for the ole regular guy. The man they overlooked for so long. The one they called a lame. The one that was just alright, nothing spectacular. The one that didn’t get their heart beat to pumping when he brushed up against you. He was just available and seemed to be a great person. So you give him a try and think to self, he’ll be the safe fish to catch. Won’t be fighting over him like the bad guy has you.
Silly rabbit. Trust I fell for the okie doke too. I was infatuated with the bad guy knowing good and well he meant me no good. And along came this good guy. I actually thought my husband was cool. We used to hang out. Went to the clubs and partied together. Flirted here and there but in the back of my mind, he was the good guy, not the bad one and the way enemy fools us, he wants us to believe the bad guy is who we need. Who we need for fun and entertainment.
Well I got my mind right and chose the man with the good foundation and sooo very glad I did. But here is the thing. I never was naive that he wasn’t desirable but I did foolishly think women wouldn’t try me. Wrong!
The enemy will try everybody, including you ma’am, missy pooh. So I’m here to remind you to keep your guards up. Stay in the fighting stance because they will come for your man. Just like Eve in that garden. 1001 fruits and veggies to choose from and what does she go after or better yet, get tricked to desire? The one that was off limits.
Your husband is off limits. Trust someone is testing or will test the boundaries. You will need to be aware of this and be on guard. No, I’m not saying to be insecure and to go looking for stuff and making up stuff that doesn’t exist. I’m just saying to not be a fool thinking nothing will ever happen and miss the obvious clues in front of your nose. Work wives are real.
A woman’s intuition is real too. So when it comes onto my spirit, I don’t ignore it but rather discuss it with my husband. I can recall a time several years back when James would tell me things about happenings at work. I would listen and laugh but there was one story that stood out. As a woman, I stored it for later. Un-buck your eyes, we all do it.
So the next time, I heard something that made me squint my eyes, I waited until later to discuss. I didn’t want to prematurely mess up the moment but a day later I did tell him that I love the fact that he shares those stories with me. Made sure he knew I wasn’t upset but I had a concern with his interactions with this one person. See the delivery in such info is crucial. If said at the wrong time or in the wrong tone, a confrontation is promised to surface and that is not what I was after. I wanted my man to continue to share his experiences with me, regardless.
I approached it lightly. He said it wasn’t anything and I agreed and told him I believed him. Told him I was cool and don’t think anything was going on. Just asked him to be careful because it was becoming borderline flirting. Not flirting. Just borderline.
He agreed and understood how it would look that way, apologized, and said he’d be mindful of that going forward. Done. Just like that. We were good. No fighting. No hard feelings.
You see ladies, your man (just like mine) wants to do right by you and he wants to live without constant interrogations. I pick my battles but I store a lot for such times as these. #wink
But what it does is that it also creatives healthy boundaries that aren’t always intentionally crossed. We all are capable of such mistakes. So don’t cross yourself off of the list of this same can of discussion. #wink2times
Trust is important. So is reality. Forbidden fruit is attractive.
Thank you for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
Spot on as always. Thanks for your candor. Work wives are definitely real and while thankfully Dwayne’s work wives have been older motherly type women or women that played on the same team he did, I definitely monitor these seemingly innocent interactions. Not because I don’t trust him, but because perception is reality for some and I don’t want anyone getting it twisted! He’s taken permanently!
Hahahaaa yes ma’am! Watch them mothers and others TOO! Hahahaaa too funny.
Thank you ma’am