Last week I had an encounter with the Lord. He revealed to me that He will give the vision but not the directions. Meaning He gifts each and everyone of us with a purpose but He doesn’t tell us how to fulfill it. There is basically no step by step guide.
I had to learn and experience this for myself to truly understand that God isn’t in the table making business; house making or car making business. What God did do was provide us with plenty wood to build our own table. He gives us the ability of creativity and carpentry skills to make the vision of a table come to fruition.
I can recall asking God to reveal to me my purpose in life and He did. But what I need you to understand is that this revelation didn’t come with instructions or a manual. Everything has been trial and error. Literally!
I’m a regular guest of a women’s conference called Sistah-2-Sistah. The visionary for this conference, Pastor Sylvia Folks, is like family to me. So over the 5 years of watching her, I’ve gained ideas that I’ve incorporated. This was my start. Along with my own ideas and those of my husband, we have been successful with hosting 2 powerful marriage retreats.
None of this would’ve been possible without our constant God consultations. Yes our ideas were great; however what many don’t see are the ideas that were abandoned. This is where His consulting was necessary. I would go to Him about the smallest mundane things. Shrimp or chicken, Lord. Lol I’m so serious.
And if you were to ask me, I strongly believe the outcome depended on His hand. Without His involvement from start to finish, I know the retreat would’ve been an epic failure.
Even though this was just our second year, we changed up some things from last year. And we guarantee there will be more changes. It can’t stay the same. There is always different things we can do and a plethora of material to cover. Even our discussions were divinely inspired.
My encouragement for you readers that have ideas or visions or purpose you are trying to fulfill…don’t let the planning process overwhelm you. The planning is where we often lose our dreams. It just seems so massive, so many things to do. Pace yourself. Give yourself time to plan. Don’t rush! Put a date on the wall and plan accordingly. You CAN do it!
Find someone, matter-of-fact, find several people already doing something similar to gain ideas from. I’m not saying to copy them, but rather, gain ideas for how the process works and incorporate your awesome ideas. List all the different steps you need to take. Then take them. Missed a step. Add it and keep moving. It doesn’t have to be a perfect situation. You CAN do it!
He will give the vision but will allow for you to creatively design it however you see fit. But if and when you have questions along the way, He will guide you and others along the path leave behind clues.
Thanks for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
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