People say they want different, like different, promote differences…yet according to Maury, “That was a lie.” The reality is, we want it all to be the same.
Companies want to hire different. The word for it is diversity. Yet, once on board, the diverse are questioned, untrusted, and often degraded.
The schoolyard is a great place to be different. Pu-lease. That different child is unpopular and becomes an outcast. Think about it. Behave differently, wear clothes that others despise, have parents whose glasses are too think, I dare you to have a scar that is too noticeable, or make grades that’s not the norm for that class or above average. Watch your back…they will be after you.
Try something new. I dare you. That different hair style isn’t accepted until everyone approves and starts to rock it themselves. Ummm now how is that different again?
People challenge that that is different. Pro-different; yet confused by it at the same time. Parents encourage their kids to be different. To not follow the crowd. We claim we are unique. Yet, we stay close to the familiar never to stray to far away from the norm.
We often fear being different. What will the people say? What will the people think? If I take an inch here and an inch there. Will they approve?
If you know me, you know I’m addicted to audible books, motivational messages, and good sermons. This week I was listening to Pastor Steve Furtick.
Feel free to listen but to summarize his message: “People accept what is the same but eventually respect what is different. They will eventually come around and respect what stands out. Often times we down play our differences in order to conform and fit in.”
He goes on to express that he is proud of Joseph for being courageous enough to wear his coat. You know the story. Joesph’s brothers hated him. Joseph was different from his brothers.
Just like many of us, Joseph was different and he was hated for it. If you’ve ever been the witness of someone different, you also witnessed the dislike that was associated with them. Maybe even noticed the hatred towards them.
Are you married or seriously dating? If you are, you may have experience with astonishingly disliking the very thing that attracted you to your mate. Don’t believe me? Think on it for a second. Something will come to memory.
With me and my husband, this is how we began our marriage. But it wasn’t revealed until we had hit our lowest and was sitting in front of a marriage counselor. She was able to reveal just how those things my husband adored about me from a distance while I was in other relationships. Those very things he liked me for. Those same things that encouraged him to ask me to be his girl after years of being just friends.
Those exact things, while married, he started to take for granted that he then solely possessed as his, he then frowned upon and snarled at. Those things he didn’t like anymore. My independence, confidence, ambitious drive, and laid back attitude. All of a sudden, the characteristics that drew him to me, was then pushing him away from me. What was once cute turned annoying.
Do you see now how we all are guilty of placing different on the chopping block? How we can desire different one minute and hate it the next?
So if you are different, I encourage you to stay the course of being authentic. If different is just who you are, it’s ok. As Pastor Furtick eludes to, they may hate you now. But they will respect you later.
Thanks for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
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