Do you know that every time you have an idea or inspiration strikes as it relates to your goal, within 5 seconds your brain shuts it DOWN!?!?!? Yes, that’s right. Within 5 seconds your mind will begin to flood itself with all the reasons you can’t do it! You don’t have the skillset to accomplish it. You can’t afford it. You don’t have the time. You have to work. You have kids. You don’t have access to that network, info, or products/equipment/items. Your family won’t understand. Your friends will talk about you. You won’t be good. No one will like the idea. You won’t have the support. They will laugh at you. You might as well forget about it. Hmmm what do I have on my list to do today? What time is that luncheon? (Just like that…forgotten).
One thing I’ll encourage anyone to do is: Read. Yes, read. Not just magazines or juicy novels. Yes I love a good book but I usually try to maintain a 3-to1 ratio between my juicy page turners and self-development type books and/or educational type books. When it comes to self-development books, it’s all about gathering tools for your tool belt in order to reach for when you need them. One thing I learned from Jim Rohn (now you will hear me refer to him a lot as he was one of the motivation speakers I admire so get used to his name); Jim taught that we must work harder on ourselves then we work on our jobs. Have you noticed how diligent we work on our jobs to help the company be successful? Well what if we spent that same kind of energy on ourselves? Can you imagine how greater you will be filled with so much information?
Information is power! No, not the power you may be thinking. Social power is often what we want to obtain; however the power I’m referring to is self power. Maybe that isn’t a thing but I’m about to make it one. Power in self gives you a profound perspective of who you are and it allows you to evaluate those around you and those you come into contact with on a whole new level. I promise I don’t see people as most people do. I see beyond suits and ties, beat faces (flawless makeup), sizes, job titles, family ties, social groups, etc. I see people at the levels they present versus hearsay. If you know me, you know I can hang with the best of them and the worse of them and love them both. I can know the prestige and the least of these and enjoy their company all the same.
Well through continual and intentional self-development, I’ve been able to accept my ways both good and bad and I’m able to incorporate different forms of myself within my daily interactions without being fake to who I am. This isn’t an easy task as many wear facades and often transform into who they believe their present company is or what they believe that company prefers/expects. There is a difference from presenting parts of me versus designing a view that isn’t who I am.
Well, I’m currently hosting a book club and this quarter’s reading is by Mel Robbins “5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life With Everyday Courage.” What she teaches is that the moment you get an idea or inspiration to do something towards your goal, 5…4…3…2…1 GO! MOVE! Do something right then before your brain stops you. Please understand that our brains are designed to keep us safe, essentially protect us. So it can’t help but present all the things to us that we internally fear but it doesn’t present those things to us in error. A lot of our concerns are indeed valid; however, they will often stop us all together if we are not aware of this. That is why we have to act and act fast! Consider the real concerns later for instance making the time daily to work on that goal.
I encourage you to join me! Join me on this journey of self-development. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are. It is NEVER too late. And it doesn’t cost much to invest in some great books! And actually you can get all of these books for free! Where? The library. Free books all day baby. Jim Rohn gave facts about this distinct 3% of the society. One thing he stated was that only about 3% of people have library cards (among other things). He challenged listeners to be within that 3%. Join me! If you’re interested in getting your feet to moving towards your goal, grab that book! We can have a virtual book review right here on this post! And if not that book, maybe I can recommend another one. Let’s get it!
Thanks for your attention. Remember you are your own competition.
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